Lean Management

Lean Management

Lean is a collection of tools and methods designed for creating customer value by eliminating waste and improve performance, thereby reducing costs and Improving Process Speed. Lean focuses on eliminating non-value-added activities wherever possible. Lean helps in creating a culture of continuous improvement. The ultimate aim is to generate seamless value for the customer through the conception of the perfect process that is waste-free.

Lean asks: “Am I Doing It Right”?

What’s There In For Me?

Lean Sigma training helps you learn tools, which will help you in the identification of non-value added activities in the processes and highlighting the same to the leadership team, thereby giving employees a competitive advantage over the others. They provide meaningful information, which further helps in achieving the organization’s goals and objectives.

Why The Learnify academy

The Lean @ The Learnify academy:

1) Emphases on learning, understanding, and implementation of concepts rather than just gaining theoretical knowledge

2) Small batch size and Interactive Classes

3) Facilitation by an expert who is certified Master Black Belt and having experience of over 18 years

4) 6+ hours of Instructor-led interactive virtual classroom session on the weekend/weekday

5) 6 Months post-training completion support i.e. Revision classes once a month

6) Support via subject expert through telephonic discussion on the weekend

7) Data visualization learning using MINITA

8) Lean certification examination anytime within the 90-days course duration

9) Lifetime validity of the certificate

This course offers Lean Certification Validation Tool for Employers

Your Six Sigma Certification Validation Tool can be used by employers, clients, and other stakeholders to validate the authenticity of your Six Sigma Certifications you have received training and certification details online.

Course Curriculum - Lean

# Difference Lean vs Six Sigma
# Principles of Lean
# Muda, Muri, Mura
# 8 Type of waste
# Just in time ( JIT )
# 5 Why
# 5 S
# Poke Yoke
# Gemba Walk
# Andon
# Visual Management
# Value stream mapping ( VSM )
# Talk Time
# Lead Time